LOCATION:Plot 24 Kisaasi Bahai Rd
Flowers,Garden & Design A Balcony Flower Garden: How to Design and Grow

A Balcony Flower Garden: How to Design and Grow

Growing plants in containers is a great way to bring a garden to the balcony. Even when most balcony spaces are small in size and some shaded for most part of the day, one can turn their balcony into a unique space with year-round floral beauty. If a balcony receives partial shade to full sun, plants are likely to attract wildlife like bees, butterflies and birds.

First check the rules

Consult with your apartment manager about all the dos and don’ts as far as balcony gardening is concerned. If you own the building, find out the maximum weight that the balcony can take for security purposes.

Most building codes will only allow you to load your balcony to a certain weight. To have many plants, use more of plastic containers than ceramic and clay to reduce weight.

Study your Balcony’s microclimates

Choose a day or two with moderate weather and take a photo of your balcony area every one or two hours of a day to determine your balcony’s microclimates. The balcony may receive full sun, part shade or total shade.

Plant selection

Select plants that are adapted to growing in your balcony’s microclimates. Choose a variety of plants to bring out a bushy, showy appearance. Trailing plants will create a bushy feel, medium size shrubs will fill the middle spaces and flowering plants will add color and brightness, while also attracting pollinators.

If you want to attract wildlife to your balcony, include lots of plants that produce brightly colored flowers to attract pollinators like bees and butterflies and berry-producing plants to attract birds. Also consider adding some wildlife friendly features like bird baths and some logs of wood.


Prepare clean containers and fill with potting soil. Ensure that containers are large enough to accommodate the root systems of plants and have drainage holes to prevent roots from sitting in water. Plant the plants in containers and water.

Positioning plants

There are many ways of positioning plants for a beautiful appearance. It all comes down to art and creativity.

Position trailing plants like bougainvillea to grow along trellises, you can hang some plants from hooks to maximize space, place containers on the floor for large and vertically growing plants like palms and place cascading plants like million bells in flower boxes.

Plants for your Balcony

AnnualsVinca minor, Geranium, Petunia, Begonia, Impatiens, Marigold, Celosia, Snapdragons, Dianthus, Sun flower
PerennialsBougainvillea, Hydrangea, Ferns, Hosta, Pothos, Million bells
Small treesPalms, Coconuts, Citrus, Weeping fig, Olive,
ShrubsIxora, Snowbush, Croton, Copper plant, Spruce, Caricature
Balcony plants

Beautiful Balcony Garden

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