LOCATION:Plot 24 Kisaasi Bahai Rd
Flowers Planting and Caring guide for Zinnias

Planting and Caring guide for Zinnias

Zinnias are some of the easiest garden flowers to grow, easily emerging from seed to flower and from flower to seed, making them perfect for beginner gardeners.

They produce gorgeous brightly colored blooms in a myriad of forms and colors, beautifying a summer garden. Their blooms attract butterflies, bees and birds to a garden and are also widely used in cut flower combinations, because of their long stems.


Zinnias are annual or perennial herbs or shrubs belonging to the family Asteraceae and genus Zinnia, which consists of about 22 species of plants.

They grow long stems (10-100cm) that are mostly vertical, though some are found mounding over the surface of the ground with oval shaped leaves which are pale to medium green in color.

Zinnia plants gush out big brightly colored blooms that come in many colors including red, pink, purple, white and yellow.

Butterfly hunting nectar from Zinnia flower

Common Zinnia varieties to grow

Candy cane produces double and semi-double blooms in shades of white and gold with pink and rose stripes.

Lilliput produces pompom blooms in a mix of colors.

State fair produces double blooms in a mix of colors.

Yellow marvel produces yellow dahlia-like blooms.

Rose pinwheel produces daisy like flowers in shades of pink and deep rose.

Site selection for growing Zinnias

Zinnias are able to tolerate drought and grow in a wide range of soil types including clay, sand and loam soil. If the soil is sticky, add some sand to improve its drainage.

Select a site that has access to full sun with soil pH between 5.5 to 7.5 and is well drained. Zinnias grown under shade or indoors become spindly and bloom less.

When to plant Zinnias

Plant Zinnias during spring, when all danger of frost is gone. This is around May or June. In areas that do not receive frost, Zinnias can be planted at any time of the year.


Till the ground and sow seeds directly into the soil. Sow 2 to 3 seeds 5cm apart and water lightly. Seedlings will emerge in about 5-7 days.


Care for Zinnias

Thin seedlings when they reach about 3 inches in height to allocate enough space for growing plants. Thinning should ensure spacing of about 8-16 inches depending on the size of the cultivar that you’re using.

Pinch out zinnia tips to encourage branching in order to produce a large number of blooms.

Weed your garden to reduce competition between your plants and weeds. This will encourage production of many, large blooms.

Water lightly during dry seasons.

Remove spent blooms to encourage growth of new ones.

Harvesting Zinnia flowers

Harvest zinnia stems early in the morning or in the evening when it is cool.

Place your flowers immediately in a vase with fresh water and floral preservative.

Diseases affecting Zinnias

Bacterial leaf spot: Occurs as small water-soaked spots with a yellow halo.

Control: Provide enough spacing for plants for proper aeration.

Powdery mildew: Causes white powdery substance on the upper side and underside of leaves. More prevalent in the late season.

Control: Provide enough spacing and aeration for plants.

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